Monday, 10 May 2010

Post-election news and letter in the Daily Telegraph

Readers of the blog would have seen pictures of Nigel Farage, out of hospital and looking his usual self though sounding still a little shaken as anyone would be in the circumstances. He does not exaggerate when he describes himself to be the luckiest man alive. From the little we know it would appear that the pilot, Justin Adams, is also doing well.

Back to those election results. It is worth remembering that UKIP is the only party that has actually achieved its stated election aim - a hung parliament. Without UKIP's intervention the number of Conservative MPs might have been higher (though David Cameron's decision not to honour his "cast-iron guarantee" to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty might well have kept the voters in question away from the polling booths anyhow) and the party would have had a majority.

Lord Pearson of Rannoch has a letter [second one down] in today's Daily Telegraph in which he explains why this is a good achievement and how it came about:
SIR – Your report "How Ukip cost Tories a clear majority" (May 8) lets David Cameron off lightly.

Last June, and twice since, he refused Ukip's offer to stand aside and help the Conservatives win the general election, in return for a binding referendum on our EU membership. This guarantee would have been in the open for months, would have been in the Conservative manifesto, and on its own would have given the Conservatives a comfortable majority.

In the event, we did not stand against a few Eurosceptic Conservative candidates in very marginal seats, whom we wanted also to help. Mr Cameron ordered four of them not to be seen in public with me but we helped them anyway in varying degrees, with leaflets and support in their local press. They averaged an increase of 10,000 votes each, with 50 per cent of the turnout and an eight per cent swing in their favour.

Mr Cameron threw the election away because he would not honour his promise to hold a referendum on Lisbon "whatever the outcome of the negotiations". Dare we hope that Mr Cameron has learned his lesson for next time round?
Next time round is unlikely to be too far away in the future.


  1. I noticed with a great deal of pleasure that Philip Davies, Douglas Carswell and Philip Hollobone all massively increased their majorities.

    Congratulations to all for this.

  2. I hope the Noble Lord will make some loud and pointed comments about the EU taking British money to support the euro. Pointing out that Westminster can no longer stop our wallets being raided will help focus people's minds for the rematch.

  3. Lord Pearson,
    Please write a blog on how the various systems of proportional representation single transferable vote and alternative vote would affect UKIP's representation and which of the two is preferred (unless of course this helps the Lib/Cons to go for the least favourable to UKIP).
    George (the same one who posted the 21 seats lost by the Tories due to UKIP in the Telegraph on-line.
