Monday, 1 March 2010

Start the week

The gap in postings had a very positive effect on the discussion in the comments sections. So far only one person, who posted a completely irrelevant comment anonymously, had to be warned. No need for comments moderation so far.

The week is starting well in that there is plenty to read and see on the UKIP website. The third of the regular Leader's Letters is up with news of party organization, campaign intentions and the press conference for Lord Monckton. You can also see a video of the conference on the site.

Here is a press account of Lord Monckton's comments and responses. And just to remind everyone here is UKIP's Energy and Environment Policy. We have shown ourselves to be sceptical of the whole concept of man-made global warming and of the idea that western economies should be bankrupted to try to prevent this alleged trend. That does not mean we do not care about the environment, pollution or the coming energy crisis.

It should be noted that evidence has shown throughout history that the best way of dealing with environmental problems and pollution is through private property and economic growth. The poorer a country is, the less likely it is to cope with those problems, small, large or catastrophic as the recent earthquare in Haiti has shown.


  1. You wrote: "It should be noted that evidence has shown throughout history that the best way of dealing with environmental problems and pollution is through private property and economic growth." What evidence? Also "private property" becomes a meaningless concept when dealing with indigenous peoples who have ancient connections to their land, but no paperwork to back it up. And economic growth is clearly the problem, not the solution! We live in a finite world and economies cannot just grow and grow, especially when they are reliant on non-renewable finite resources for their wealth. Oil and coal companies, for example, routinely destroy the natural environment, ruin the health of local peoples who are not enriched in any way by the profits from extractions and don't bother to clean up after themselves when they leave. I'm sure they believe, like UKIP, that economic growth and private property are key to protecting the environment because that lets them completely off the hook! If the real cost of doing business was accurately represented - taking into account the destruction of non-renewables, creation of hazardous waste and rightful compensation to disrupted communities - there would be ZERO economic growth in any case. Prosperity, based in the old paradigm of private companies taking control of public assets and flogging them for profit, is an illusion when looked at in this light. Diana Trimble, Brighton, UK

  2. Why is there no union jack on the UKIP website? For shame!

  3. Why is there no union jack on the UKIP website? For shame!

  4. This blog is Lord Pearson's not UKIP's. Any enquiry about the UKIP website should be addressed there directly.
